A Computational Tool for Geometric Characterization of Pores and Fractures in Microtomography Rock Images
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Pores and fractures are important structures for the study and characterization of fluid flow inside rocks. It is through them that there can be the propagation and conduction of fluids and chemical substances inside the reservoirs, since the connections between these spaces provide the existence of flow. To understand the behavior of these structures, we have developed a computational tool that, through the use of high resolution images derived from computed microtomography, aims to detect and characterize the geometry of pores and faults with the objective of being an environment that allows the detailed understanding of these structures. For this task, image processing techniques were applied to identify the structure of the contours, obtained through data segmentation, and to evaluate their geometric parameters in conjunction with the algorithms implemented in this work. With this, we seek to provide a tool capable of assisting in the characterization of reservoirs and fluid analysis, and to reduce the uncertainties found in manual work through a computational approach, prioritizing the preservation of important samples collected in the field.
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