Alfabetização na Região Norte em tempos de ensino remoto:
o que nos diz a pesquisa Alfabetização em Rede
Alfabetização, Ensino Remoto, Região NorteAbstract
This article aims to discuss literacy in the North Region in times of remote teaching based on the Net Literacy survey, created in 2020 and registered on the Brazil Platform, with the main objective of knowing and understanding how the literacysituation of children in Brazil during the Covid-19 pandemic. We will analyze the specific data of the North Region, trying to make a comparison with the general data of the research, in order to understand factors that were unique in this regional contexto. In this study, we presente some reflections on the pandemic and remote teaching, as well as, we take Smolka (2012), Goulart (2014), Braggio (2002) and Colello (2021) as a basis for the notes on literacy. The results reinforce the importante role of the learning space that is the scool, the mediation of the teacher and the insertion of the student in real interaction practices. In addition, it was found that the greatest difficulty faced by the literacy teachers was “getting the students to carry out the proposed activities”, a difficulty that involves social, economic and political factors.
KEYWORDS: literacy; remote teaching; North Region;
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