The Literacy Policy for the State Education Network of Santa Catarina and Youth and Adult Education
Literacy, Public Policy., Young and Adult EducationAbstract
The different understandings of adult literacy throughout the history of education in Brazil and also in Santa Catarina are the background of this study. In this scenario, the objective of this article is to analyze the current Literacy Policy for the Santa Catarina State Education Network (PAE SC) and its possible implications for Youth and Adult Education (EJA). Using a qualitative approach, documentary research is developed based on the PAE SC and, for complementary purposes, a bibliographical research is carried out based on authors who deal with adult literacy. The analysis points out that the text of the state policy contemplates EJA and lists actions that reach the teaching modality. Finally, new research is suggested with the purpose of verifying the effectiveness of the planned actions and the concreteness of the aforementioned state policy.
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