Oral genre, Blessing, Analysis and characterizationAbstract
This research aims at analyses and characterizes the genre “blessing” in the present day, which consists of a discursive practice of holy men as a historically specific element of a millenarian social practice, of someone speaking on behalf of a religion, with the intention of healing based on the Christian faith. The corpus was constituted of fifteen blessings collected in the city of Patrocínio-MG. The theoretical assumptions of the analysis are the Textual Linguistics and the criteria adopted for the characterization of this genre are anchored in Travaglia's theory (2007), which points out five parameters of analysis: the thematic content, the compositional structure, sociocommunicative objectives and functions, the characteristics of the linguistic surface and the conditions of production of the genre. Our hypothesis is that there are divergent points in the blessings for the same problem. The results of the analyzes indicate that although there are divergent points among the holy men in the accomplishment of the genre, this does not prevent that it takes place. Although the differences of style at the moment of the accomplishment of the genre, due to the level of schooling and the movement of the holy men in the field of sociocultural experiences, of religious beliefs, and of the variation of styles at the moment of the realization of the genre, the way the blessings is done is the same.
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