The exploration of probabilistic language through children's literature in the Early Years of Elementary School

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Emilly Rayane Moura Diniz Santos


This research investigates the potential of children's literature for the mobilization of probabilistic language, developing an exploratory study of a qualitative nature, with six students of the 5th year of the initial years of Elementary School, in which Piagetian Clinical interviews were carried out through storytelling. The results show that students mobilize different languages in their justifications, such as verbal, numerical and symbolic language, presenting understandings from the most intuitive to the most complex about the different cognitive demands, in addition to a qualitative advance in the mobilization of verbal and numerical expressions, applying these expressions appropriately. We conclude that the use of children's literature facilitated the mobilization of various aspects of probabilistic language and cognitive demands, as it is necessary to become familiar with the language, through the use of different types of expressions to find meaning in what you read and write.


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Santos, E. R. M. D. (2024). The exploration of probabilistic language through children’s literature in the Early Years of Elementary School. Ensino Em Re-Vista, 31(Contínua), 1–24.


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