Statistical literacy according to GAISE and BNCC: parities and contrasts

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Letícia Rangel
Flávia Maria Pinto Ferreira Landim
André Monteiro Novaes
Maria Helena Monteiro Mendes Baccar


The 21st century showed the potential of statistics for society, determining that statistical literacy should start in the school phase. In Brazil, the Common National Curriculum Basis (BNCC) reflects a change of perspective in the teaching of statistics including Probability and Statistics as a thematic unit of Mathematics in Elementary School. This study aims to contribute to the discussion on statistics education, investigating the extent to which the BNCC's Statistics and Probability skills for the first six years of Elementary School have the potential to develop statistical literacy. To provoke and lead reflection, we developed a documentary analysis based on combined reading that relates the skills of the thematic unit Probability and Statistics of the BNCC from the first to the sixth school year with the characteristic skills of the initial stage of the development of statistical literacy according to the Guidelines for Assessment and Instruction in Statistical Education (GAISE). In particular, it stands out as reflections emerging from the analysis that the BNCC has the potential to develop statistical literacy in the early years of Elementary School through the proposition of investigations and that the probability skills at the BNCC reveal a construction aimed at working with probability as a separate discipline from statistics, without establishing a clear connection between them.


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Rangel, L., Landim, F. M. P. F., Novaes, A. M., & Baccar, M. H. M. M. (2024). Statistical literacy according to GAISE and BNCC: parities and contrasts . Ensino Em Re-Vista, 31(Contínua), 1–25.


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