Semiotic Representation Registers in Statistics Teaching: an analysis of proposed activities in textbooks
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Given the importance of interpreting statistical information and the textbook, this work aims to analyze, in activities proposed by two collections of textbooks in the Mathematics area and its Technologies (High School), approved by the PNLD, how statistical knowledge is approached, through the Content Analysis, based on the BNCC indications combined with assumptions of the theory of Semiotic Representation Registers. 98 activities were analyzed in Book A and 164 in Book B. In the analyzes it was found that contexts about everyday life predominate and there are skills provided in the BNCC that are little worked. Different types of semiotic representations were explored in the analyzed activities. The conversion activity stood out in both works, with emphasis on graphic to numeric and graphic to natural language conversions. The identification of the distribution of semiotic representations and the proposed transformations allows the teacher to better define the statistical skills to be worked on.
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