Transglobality, cosmopolitanism and innovation as school languages in times of crisis

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José Augusto Pacheco
Ila Beatriz Maia


Blowing up globalized winds of contradiction to make society more common, in the process of multiple uniformities, cosmopolitanism emerged as a principle that can contribute to the thinking and acting of subjects in education and training institutions, from kindergarten to higher education. Hence, in an analysis of the languages that coexist today in the school environment, mention should be made of the cosmopolitan teaching attitude (PACHECO, 2018), oriented towards inclusion, diversity, and equity, in which subjectivity is something that does not make education a mere process of acquisition of knowledge, capacities, and attitudes, but a project of personal fulfillment, in the exploration of Dewey's ideas (1902/2002). In order to achieve this cosmopolitan attitude, the language of innovation, along with others, in the case of digital technologies, is well present in educational policies. However, it has been more focused on the search for a curricular alignment with improvement processes (FULLAN, 2015) that in the register of an event (ŽIŽEK, 2017), which becomes unique, spontaneous and not susceptible to being transformed into rules, which have fed the grammar of the school, that is, a school in crisis by the common organizational, curricular and pedagogical have been marked in the last two centuries (LABAREE, 2012; TYACK; CUBAN, 1995).


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Pacheco, J. A., & Maia, I. B. (2022). Transglobality, cosmopolitanism and innovation as school languages in times of crisis . Ensino Em Re-Vista, 29(Contínua), e049.


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