Presentation DOSSIER: “The school nowadays: and now”

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Osmar Hélio Alves Araújo
José Augusto Pacheco
Shirlei de Souza Corrêa


Given the situation caused by Covid 19, the need for changes in curricula, in the evaluation process, in teacher training and in the construction of teaching and learning processes, already announced in numerous studies and research, has gained new proportions. In this context, rules never experienced before were put into practice in the school context. Thus, at a time when the Covid-19 Pandemic is still living, education professionals have faced challenges and sought alternatives to reinvent their practices, rediscover their skills and adapt the curriculum. One of the best news that emerges from this context is the emergence, worldwide, of (re)building the School today and reaffirming its public commitment to democratization and access to education. (Re)thinking the present, (re)defining new directions or (re)discovering new ways of walking ((RE)BUILDING SCHOOL TODAY) is one of the challenges that education professionals, parents and society in general have faced. especially at a time when the school needs to (color) respond to the challenges of the present day, such as, for example, the effectiveness of teaching and learning processes through remote classes and, also, the search for alternatives to democratize access to education. Remote Education. It is in this context that the dossier: THE SCHOOL IN THE PRESENT DAYS: AND NOW? and that I gathered 11 studies and research and 02 interviews about the School, in this context of facing the Covid-19 pandemic, and, thus, discusses about the present in the sense of (re) discovering - who knows - other ways of building education.


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How to Cite
Araújo, O. H. A., Pacheco , J. A., & Corrêa , S. de S. (2022). Presentation: DOSSIER: “The school nowadays: and now”. Ensino Em Re-Vista, 29(Contínua), e045.