Education Process of Teachers for Inclusive Education subsidized by the Universal Design for Learning

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Jacqueline Lidiane de Souza Prais
Celia Regina Vitaliano


The improvement of the pedagogical work developed by teachers in common classes represents an essential condition to favor inclusive pedagogical practices. In this sense, the Universal Design for Learning (UDL) consists of a curricular approach to inclusive education. This article aims to describe an education process developed with female teachers working in the early years of elementary school, aiming at the development of inclusive practices subsidized on the guiding principles of UDL, through a collaborative research. Three female teachers took part in the process. The data collection took place during the development of reflective practices, collaborative planning, and the participation of the researcher in the classroom. It was verified that the education process, subsidized by the UDL allied to the procedures of the collaborative research, favored the improvement in the quality of teaching, evidenced in the changes occurred in the lesson plans and in the effective pedagogical practices of the teachers.


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Prais, J. L. de S. ., & Vitaliano, C. R. . (2022). Education Process of Teachers for Inclusive Education subsidized by the Universal Design for Learning. Ensino Em Re-Vista, 29(Contínua), e011.


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