Scientific Collaboration and Education Research Networks
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We aim to understand how research networks work in education and scientific collaboration and the cooperation with Brazilian universities. We did bibliographical research to gather data in the proposed investigation having a database: Rede Universitas, RedeEstrado, Rede Aste, RedeCentro, RIEOnLIFE. As a result, we identified that the creation of networks takes place within scientific and/or academic criteria having, in some cases, economic and training criteria to expand the possibilities of publications, this answers the constituent questions of some networks analyzed here, shows the financial crisis of Brazilian universities as a research entity, and the need for alignment with external funding sources and compliance with the metrics of the rating agencies. The final considerations, from a critical and analytical point of view, show processes that are confronting and, at the same time, complementary. We are convinced of the importance of working in a network, as the connection allows the researcher to acquire knowledge, in addition to observing a mutual effort in the dynamics engaged towards the consolidation of research networks, and in the maintenance of research groups.
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