Critical environmental education: revisiting the assumptions of Paulo Freire and Enrique Dussel

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André Luis Castro de Freitas
Luciane Albernaz de Araujo Freitas


The article aims to establish approximations between the field of critical environmental education and the assumptions of authors such as Paulo Freire and Enrique Dussel. Based on a critical descriptive study, resulting from a qualitative, bibliographic research approach, it is intended to list the relevance in the field of educational relations, in the area of environmental education, the categories: dialogue, alterity, dialectics, and limit-situation. First, it reflects on the exercise of a walk-in in which humans move dialectically, driven by the word of the Other. In the second part, there is a discussion about the presence in the education of social praxis as a process of reflection on life and nature, in what involves the action of transforming reality. Finally, reflections are made of how from the categories listed, through critical environmental education, it is possible to face the manipulation and effects produced by the civilization model in progress.


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Freitas, A. L. C. de ., & Freitas, L. A. de A. . (2021). Critical environmental education: revisiting the assumptions of Paulo Freire and Enrique Dussel . Ensino Em Re-Vista, 28(Contínua), e040.


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