First contact with Integrated High School: a confrontation between licensed and bachelor teachers

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Welisson Marques
Sthéfany Araújo Melo
Otaviano José Pereira


The history of Integrated High School (EMI) began in 1909 through the former Artisan Apprentice Schools and is currently part of the Federal Network for Professional, Scientific and Technological Education (RFEPCT). This article is the result of a research that aimed to investigate, through individual interviews with 16 effective teachers of IFTM Campus Uberlândia, when was the first contact with this form of teaching. The theoretical basis of this article went through some documents and legislative frameworks and was also supported by Ramos (2008) and Frigotto, Ciavatta and Ramos (2012). The interviews were conducted in November 2018, within the physical limits of IFTM Campus Uberlândia itself. The choice of the 16 teachers interviewed was made by convenience and by analyzing their curricula registered in the Lattes Platform, in order to select first those who presented academic formation in licensure or only in bachelor's degree. As a result of the research, we identified that 15 teachers, among the 16 interviewed, only got to know EMI during the preparation for the RFEPCT public exam. In addition, all 16 teachers stated that they had not experienced any studies or academic discussions about EMI or Vocational Education during their undergraduate studies. Thus, we did not identify distinctions between licensed and bachelor teachers regarding their first contact with EMI and also regarding the knowledge perhaps shared during their academic formation. All this reveals to us that the expansion and dissemination of the Federal Network is insufficient to spread among society the real objectives of an integrated formation.


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How to Cite
Marques, W. ., Melo, S. A. ., & Pereira, O. J. . (2020). First contact with Integrated High School: a confrontation between licensed and bachelor teachers . Ensino Em Re-Vista, 27(Especial), 1614–1638.


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