Agency, affordance and the relationship teacher-curriculum materials in Mathematics Education

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Gilberto Januario


The relationship between Math teachers and the curriculum materials is implied by different resources and the results of the agency rate and the perception of affordances. In this article, we build an approach of those two concepts as a conceptual analysis mark about how teachers and curriculum materials interact, having as reference, results of studies we made in the Mathematics Education field.  The discussion here shows different concepts and notions embodied with the interaction between teachers and curriculum materials, such as curriculum fidelity; curriculum subversion; institutional context; joint planning; teachers as curriculum producers and the curriculum descolonization. This notions, demand investigation proposals to comprehend the ways of how they influence the interaction and potentialize the curriculum development in Mathematics.


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Januario, G. . (2020). Agency, affordance and the relationship teacher-curriculum materials in Mathematics Education. Ensino Em Re-Vista, 27(3), 1055–1076.
Dossier: Curriculum in Mathematics Education II


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