Curriculum and teaching learning of mathematics in river education in Amapá: a dialogue with ethnomatematics

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Elivaldo Serrão Custódio


This article seeks to investigate how the teacher of basic education uses the dialogue between ethnomathematics and the process of teaching and learning mathematics in his pedagogical practice. It is believed that when applying ethnomathematics in class, students are able to perceive that mathematics is related to their daily lives, thus improving their learning. It is a quantitative and qualitative exploratory study, which used the bibliography, direct observation and the questionnaire as a form of investigation. The results show that despite the difficulties faced by the researched school, the teacher seeks to apply ethnomathematics with his students, making them feel more valued, making the classes more attractive, where the teacher also gets greater participation from them. Thus, valuing the cultural reality of the students, it is possible to affirm that there is a better performance in the process of teaching and learning mathematics in basic education.


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How to Cite
Custódio, E. S. . (2020). Curriculum and teaching learning of mathematics in river education in Amapá: a dialogue with ethnomatematics. Ensino Em Re-Vista, 27(2), 637–658.
Dossier: Curriculum in Mathematics Education I


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