Teacher's as intellectuals and collective production of pedagogical content knowledge

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Caroline Pacievitch
Amanda Gabriela Rocha Oliveira


The object of this study is history teachers’ education departing from the collective production of educational knowledge in the Institutional Program of Teaching Initiation Scholarships - History (Pibid-História), in which the focus of the survey is the process of interlocution and collective production of these knowledge involving experienced teachers and undergraduate history students in training. The background problematic is how to learn history from the concept of teachers as transformative intellectuals, by Henry Giroux. The results allow to demonstrate that the group of teaching initiation scholars and supervisors teachers were able to make the collective construction of educational knowledge, and explore the relationship between professional profile and educational choices made during the survey period.


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Pacievitch, C. ., & Oliveira, A. G. R. . (2020). Teacher’s as intellectuals and collective production of pedagogical content knowledge. Ensino Em Re-Vista, 27(1), 279–301. https://doi.org/10.14393/ER-v27n1a2020-12
Dossiê O caminho se faz caminhando: formação docente no fazer e refazer


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