Contributions of Physical Education teaching for working with theoretical knowledge in school

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Carolina Picchetti Nascimento
Elaine Sampaio Araujo


The purpose of this study was to characterize the process of teaching organization that contributes to the development of theoretical thinking of the subjects of pedagogical activity, teachers and students. Having the Teaching Guiding Activity, proposed by Moura (1996, 2000, 2016), as a theoretical-methodological foundation it is proposed didactics interpretations about Vygotsky’s thesis that "the only good learning is that which is in advance of development”. Considering the methodological actions, it is discussed the pedagogical meaning of working with theoretical knowledge in schooling process through the analysis of key moments of a formative situation carried out with teachers of elementary education in the context of a research project focused on the improvement of public teaching. It seeks to show, then, int the processes of teaching organization how the knowledge proposed in the pedagogical activity can be realized as theoretical concepts to the subjects in their actions of study.


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Nascimento, C. P. ., & Araujo, E. S. . (2019). Contributions of Physical Education teaching for working with theoretical knowledge in school. Ensino Em Re-Vista, 26(3), 677–699.


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