Black presence in the didactic material of History adopted by the State of São Paulo: 2014-2017

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Neide Cristina da Silva


The present research aims to analyze the effects of the application oftheLaw 10.639/03 in textbooks of History for High School. The aim was to verify if the historical components of the curricular matrices loaded with denotations or racist connotations were reformulated, altered or even banned after the implementation of the said law. The central problem is that, despite the change in curricular content, the History of Brazil continuesto be narrated with the imposition of the worldview of the ruling class. For the accomplishment of this research were worked, like main categories, awareness / alienation and coloniality / raciality having as theoretical contributions Paulo Freire and Aníbal Quijano. The analysis showed that despite the advances in the teaching of Afro-Brazilian history and culture, since the promulgation ofthe law 10.639/03, the raciality of knowledge, present in didactic historiography, does not allow to overcome the temporal perspectiveof the history that situates theblackpeopleas inferior.


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How to Cite
Silva, N. C. da . (2019). Black presence in the didactic material of History adopted by the State of São Paulo: 2014-2017. Ensino Em Re-Vista, 26(1), 244–267.


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