"I started to minister a more biological class. Because it's very polymic ": curriculum of science and biology and dialogues of sexual and gender diversity
Main Article Content
The article proposes to problematize the crossings between education in Sciences and Biology and the approach of sexual and gender diversities in school education. We are based on the analyzes produced in a research with teachers of Sciences and Biology on non-binary genres. The analyzes are inspired by post-critical studies, which enable us to deal with science, education, gender and sexuality as historical, social and cultural categories, constituted in power and language games. Above all, we turn our attention to curricula and curricular content: both the forged ones in cisheteronormatividade, which assume scientific and "neutral" narratives, as well as those that destabilize normative knowledge and practices and announce other relations, genres and sexualities. Betting on the questioning and the provocation, and recognizing the limitations of this text, we risk to rehearse possibilities to think the relations between the school curricula of sciences and biology, the narratives about the genres and sexualities and the production of experiences of students and teachers.
Article Details
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