Bosque dos Papagaios Ecological Park: a proposal to teach science in an informal environment
Main Article Content
There is a variety of truly open-air laboratories that can be used for scientific initiation in the city of Boa Vista/RR, which are rarely used by Secondary and High School teachers as learning space. In this sense, this work had as objective to present toa group of masters, of the discipline of non-formal spaces of the Graduate Program in Teaching of Sciences of the State University of Roraima, is to present the potentiality of using the Bosque dos Papagaios Ecological Park to teach science in an informalenvironment. The work was developed with ten masters who participated in a teaching practice entitled class of walking. The visit was part of the Informal Environment subject from Science Education Master Degree. Initially the visit was planned by applying all the requirements from the didactic and pedagogic planning. A field class, assessed in an analytical approach, has shown that master-student were motivated during the visit, which arouse their interesting, emotions, sensations, and memories, alerting them to the possibilities of cognitive benefits brought by the nature environment which can result in knowledge building, considering the range of resources available in the place visited and thematic axes related to fauna, flora, soil study, water resources, etc., pertinent to the teaching of sciences and other areas of knowledge practiced in the formal educational space.
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