Where is the sense that was here ? The cat ate! Discussing the work with written language in early childhood education

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Edith Maria Batista Ferreira
Joelma Reis Correia


This article result of a research held during the course of Language, orality and writing, given in the Specialization Course for Teaching in Early Childhood Education in 2015, promoted by the Center of Education and Childhood of the Federal University of Maranhão(NEIUFMA), in partnership with the Ministry of Education and Culture (MEC). Aimed to analyze the work with written language developed by the Early Childhood Education schools in Maranhão’s municipalities. Twenty-six teachers of nineteen public institutions of four municipalities were the research subjects, who participated in this course. Understanding written language as expression, communication and human interaction, therefore, integrating lifethrough discursive genres, dialogue with Bakhtin (1995), Vygotsky (1995), Mello (2009; 2012), Smolka (2003), among others. The survey results point that writing should be present in the institutions early childhood education, however, should not constitute such as exclusive language way neglecting the presence of multiple languages. It further pointed that the activities with the focus on writing are the same for children aged between 3 and 5 years, disregarding the way they learn best and distancing themselves in situations of social use of writing, once that they are centered on micro aspects of language (GOULART, 2011).


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Ferreira, E. M. B., & Correia, J. R. (2017). Where is the sense that was here ? The cat ate! Discussing the work with written language in early childhood education. Ensino Em Re-Vista, 1(1), 156–175. https://doi.org/10.14393/ER-v24n1a2017-7


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