Calvin and science: an interdisciplinar proposal using the text genre cartoon in technical schools

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Rafaela Fetzner Drey


This study observed if an interdisciplinary work based on the didatization of a textual genre could be worthy in widening the reading skills in English of students taking an Integrated Technical High School course and also their knowledge in sciences. In order to accomplish this, cartoons in English from the character Calvin (WATTERSON, 1998; 1992), which refer to Mathematics and Physics contents were used. Activities were developed in an integrated approach, embracing the cartoon’s text genre charact eristics; English structure elements and science contents. Based on the vygotskyan notion that social interaction (VYGOTSKY, 2005) promotes psychological development, which provides learning, activities were taken as an element of mediation in students’ interdisciplinary knowledge construction. Results point out to a learning growth in all areas: English, Mathematics and Physics, specially concerning foreign language reading skills.


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Drey, R. F. (2017). Calvin and science: an interdisciplinar proposal using the text genre cartoon in technical schools. Ensino Em Re-Vista, 1(1), 102–130.


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