Embrionics signs of authorship in children's written
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The Writing is understood as a laborious work, extensive, reflective, or even mythical, when designing the literary creation as a result of inspiration. In the epistemological and philosophical field, different theoretical currents investigate the nature of the written production and its relation with the thinking. This article will take as its starting point, the vigotskiniana view that the act of writing not only records the ideas conceived in the tinking, but it causes an intense, dialectical movement, generated by the confrontation between thinking and word. When trying put in the text the statements mentally constructed, the author of a text enters a process of rationalization, triggering an intellectual movement that could not develop without the writing exercise. This case study aims to analyze two narrative texts -first version and revised version -produced byan eight year old, registered in the 2nd year of primary school, in writing appropriation phase. Among the first production and the second production, the teacher talked individually with the student and expressed his incomprehension, regarding the created text. This dialogue, however, will not be presented here. The analyzed data come only from two manuscripts. The speaker function exercised by the teacher provoked radical changes in the second version. It can be concluded that the texts written by the child in compliance with the homework, have already the evidence of authorship marks and evidence of the ideas presented in the first version, further developed in the revised version. In this particular context, the writing was an instrument to constitute,to organize and to modify the author's thinking.
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