Formação continuada de professores de Física: resgatando a importância do contexto de atuação /Continuing training of physic's teacher: rescuing the importance of the context of action

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Sandro Rogério Vargas Ustra
Jesuína Lopes de Almeida Pacca


This article presents an analysis of the performance of a group of teachers of physics, the public school of Greater São Paulo, engaged in continuing training program. The objective of activities carried out by the teachers group was the study of electromagnetism aiming to the elaboration of a teaching sequence and the implementation of this planning in their classrooms. We explored the relations between professional development and reflective practice and the insertion of teachers into a problematic and complex context that occurs in a typical secondary teaching classroom. Thus, present and discuss models of facing real problems, establishing relations between the context of continuing training and the construction of knowledge related to the development of the teaching autonomy and professionality.


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Ustra, S. R. V. ., & Pacca, J. L. de A. . (2016). Formação continuada de professores de Física: resgatando a importância do contexto de atuação /Continuing training of physic’s teacher: rescuing the importance of the context of action. Ensino Em Re-Vista, 22(2), 333–345.
Dossiê ensino de Física/Physics Teaching Dossier


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