The struggle and resistance of peasant farmers in the dairy production chain of São Francisco do Brejão/MA/Brazil




territory, maranhense countryside, dairy production chain, peasant farmers, resistances and struggles


This article aims to analyze the territorial resistance of peasant farmers in the dairy production chain of São Francisco do Brejão/MA in the context of capital attacks in rural areas through the establishment of technical regulations (Normative Instructions 51/62) and the occupation of new plots by the company Suzano Papel e Celulose S/A in the Maranhense countryside, leading to the expropriation of peasant lands. The empirical basis of the investigation includes the accounts of peasant farmers in the production chain, visits to small properties, the examination of technical standards, specialized websites, and the analysis of academic productions about the region. It concludes that the use of technical standards congruent with commodity production by corporations engenders a pattern of destructive agrarian development for the peasantry and, paradoxically, stimulates struggles and resistances.


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Author Biography

Roberto Leher, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ)

Professor Titular da Faculdade de Educação e do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro na linha Estado, Trabalho e Movimentos Sociais. Doutor em Educação pela Universidade de São Paulo (1998), desenvolve pesquisa em políticas públicas em educação. Atua no Coletivo de Estudos em Marxismo e Educação - COLEMARX. Pesquisador do CNPq, Cientista de Nosso Estado (FAPERJ) e colaborador da Escola Nacional Florestan Fernandes, Reitor da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (julho de 2015 a julho de 2019)



How to Cite

SOUSA, J. F. de; LEHER, R. The struggle and resistance of peasant farmers in the dairy production chain of São Francisco do Brejão/MA/Brazil. Revista Campo-Território, Uberlândia, v. 18, n. 52, p. 97–121, 2023. DOI: 10.14393/RCT185270269. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 nov. 2024.