The means for the titling of remaining quilombola territories in Brazil
The greatest black flag has always been resistance to the system that has excluded them for centuries. Thus, numerous rights were acquired, including the right to historically inhabited territory, however the title of their territories is still characterized as a distant dream for the vast majority of the remaining quilombo communities in Brazil. In order to analyze this problem, we have outlined the general objective: to analyze the stages of the process of titling quilombola territories in Brazil. Bibliographic research in books, theses, dissertations, journal articles, laws, etc. was used in the methodology, using a qualitative approach of the descriptive type. Research in documents from Fundação Cultural Palmares - FCP and the National Institute of Colonization and Agrarian Reform - INCRA (Regional Superintendence - SR 24). We conducted an interview with an INCRA SR 24 representative for further clarification on the processes of land tenure regularization in quilombola territories in Brazil. It was found that the conquest of the title of the territory in the remaining communities goes through bureaucratic issues and happens very slowly, even after the insertion of article 68 in the Act of Transitional Constitutional Provisions - ADCT of the Federal Constitution that guarantees the remaining quilombo communities right to traditionally occupied territories. The insertion of communities in government public policies in the medium and long term is a fundamental factor to guarantee the improvement in living, education, health and work conditions, within these communities. However, the conquest of the territory does not always guarantee access to actions and projects for their social and economic development.