Pluriactivity in a fishing community on Ceará´s Eastern coastline

estimates and developments for the management of


  • Leilane Oliveira Chaves Universidade Federal do Ceará
  • Christian Brannstrom Texas A&M University
  • Edson Vicente da Silva Universidade Federal do Ceará - Professor do Departamento de Geografia da UFC



Studies focusing on pluriactivity normally analyze social and economic structures among rural families using land-based resources. However, studies by Sacco dos Anjos et al. (2004; 2012); Santos (2015) and Santos and Brannstrom (2015) include coastal resource users such as traditional fishers in discussions about pluriactivity. Thus, the present article analyzes pluriactivity in a fishing community on Ceará’s eastern coastline based on the application of 23 questionnaires with representatives of the residential nucleus. The study indicates the main modalities of pluriactivity (fishing families, pluriactive families and non-fishing families), showing that activities related to natural resources, when carried out alone, are insufficient for the subsistence of families. Pensions and social polices help families maintain pluriactivity. The study contributes to broadening discussions on pluriactivity in coastal areas and to analyzing the interference of large development projects on pluriactivity, showing that diverse activities occur out of necessity than choice of family nucleus, but can reduce pressure on the use of natural resources and increase the control of traditional practices in these environments, contributing to better planning and management of traditional territories.

Key words: Pluriactivity. Traditional community. Fishing. Coastal zone. Impacts.


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How to Cite

CHAVES, L. O.; BRANNSTROM, C.; DA SILVA, E. V. Pluriactivity in a fishing community on Ceará´s Eastern coastline: estimates and developments for the management of . Revista Campo-Território, Uberlândia, v. 14, n. 32 Abr., 2019. DOI: 10.14393/RCT143212. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.


