The academic vocabulary of tourism in English language scientific articles




Academic Vocabulary, Fundamental Vocabulary, Tourism Terms


This article results from a doctoral research entitled “Terms of Tourism in academic articles in English: a terminological study” (Fontella, 2023). The main objective is to present a part of the terms of Tourism collected from a corpus composed of more than 500 scientific articles in the area, together with a comparative analysis of the terms of one of the sub-areas of Tourism – Food and Beverage. The academic vocabulary (AV) has been the object of study in several researches in recent decades. The first lists of academic words were developed manually in the 1970s. Xue and Nation (1984), with the help of computers, compiled lists that had been created in the previous decade and created a list that was considered the main source of this type of vocabulary, the University Word List (UWL). In 2000, based on a corpus composed of academic texts from different areas and disciplines, Averil Coxhead created the Academic Word List (AWL), which has become the reference for academic vocabulary ever since. The AV is made up of different types of vocabularies, including the fundamental vocabulary (FV), strictly academic words and terms. We revisited the notions of FV (Biderman, 1996) and AV (Nation, 2013; Snow; Ucelli, 2009) so that we could compare the terms selected in the corpus with the two lists, the General Service List (GSL) (West, 1953), FV reference; and the AWL, AV reference. The analysis of the terms in the subarea of Food and Beverage has revealed that there is a higher incidence of lexical items that coincide with the FV of the English language than with the AV.


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Author Biography

Joni Márcio Dorneles Fontella, UNIOESTE

Doutor em Letras pela Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná (UNIOESTE).


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How to Cite

FONTELLA, J. M. D. The academic vocabulary of tourism in English language scientific articles. Revista GTLex, Uberlândia, v. 9, p. e0902, 2023. DOI: 10.14393/Lex-v9a2023/24-2. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.


