Drug advertising in Brazil
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Pharmaceutical sector
Pharmaceutical companies

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STACCIARINI, J. H. S. Drug advertising in Brazil. Sociedade & Natureza, [S. l.], v. 36, n. 1, 2024. DOI: 10.14393/SN-v36-2024-72114. Disponível em: https://seer.ufu.br/index.php/sociedadenatureza/article/view/72114. Acesso em: 26 oct. 2024.


Researchers from various scientific fields have been dedicated to investigating the multiple characteristics of the pharmaceutical sector. Aiming to contribute to this debate and provide a basis for discussion, this study set out to analyze the history and current context of drug advertising in Brazil. Through an extensive collection of data and information, it was noted that the pharmaceutical sector is among the largest investors in marketing in the country. In the last few years, three or four pharmaceutical companies have appeared on the list of the ten biggest advertisers in Brazil, some of which have invested more than R$1 billion in a single year. A brief historical review of pharmaceutical marketing in the country has revealed the presence of several deceptive advertisements since the beginning of the 20th century. These included cases in which harmful substances, such as cocaine, were promoted as remedies for various illnesses and ineffective medicines were presented with unfounded promises of cures for diseases. Nowadays, advertising and marketing strategies have become increasingly complex and sophisticated. Multi-million dollar studies and sponsorships have ensured the insertion of advertising on several platforms, especially television and the Internet. The emergence of digital marketing strategies, driven by improved algorithms, social networks and influencers, along with advertising campaigns that are potentially harmful to public and collective health, highlight a challenging scenario.

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Copyright (c) 2023 João Henrique Santana Stacciarini


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