Sensor network for the evaluation of the meteorological variables in urban green areas: development and applications
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Land Uses
Environmental Monitoring
Green Areas
Sensors Network

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BARROZO CHAVES, J. V.; TOLEDO MOREIRA MOTA, L.; LONGO, R. M.; RIBEIRO, A. ´Írio; BARROS, D. B.; RICARDO ALVES , J. Sensor network for the evaluation of the meteorological variables in urban green areas: development and applications. Sociedade & Natureza, [S. l.], v. 34, n. 1, 2022. DOI: 10.14393/SN-v34-2022-64675. Disponível em: Acesso em: 18 jan. 2025.


The urban environment is often responsible for negative impacts on the climate and environmental comfort, due to the common climatic interference in highly built and waterproofed environments. One of the ways of mitigating negative environmental and microclimate impacts is the use of green areas in the urban environment. Thus, aiming at the analysis of environmental quality parameters of urban regions, it is essential to monitor the influence of green areas on different meteorological variables. In this sense, the use of information acquisition instruments and methodologies can positively contribute to this analysis, which can support decision-making related to urban planning. Thus, this work aims to develop a sensor network with sensor nodes to assess meteorological variables in urban green areas, aiming to analyze and discuss the influence of green areas on the behavior of CO¬2 concentration, temperature and air relative humidity parameters in an urban environment. The proposed and developed sensor nodes enabled the adequate collection of these variables and, based on the results obtained, it was possible to observe that the green area (permanent preservation area - PPA) contributed positively to these variables in the portion of the study area located in Campinas (SP), presenting lower temperature and CO2 concentration and increased air humidity. However, for the portion of Paulínia (SP), it was possible to observe little influence from the PPA. Influences on these variables, exerted by rural areas and parks, were also identified, contributing to the reduction of meteorological parameters, but different interactions were identified with the CO2 concentration, which may present a possible increase or assist in the reduction of CO2 in the air.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2021 Jô Vinícius Barrozo Chaves, Lia Toledo Moreira Mota, Regina Márcia Longo, Admilson ´Írio Ribeiro, Daniel Braga Barros, José Ricardo Alves


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