Walk in the city, scroll the book
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artist's book

How to Cite

Monroy Ortiz, L. J. (2023). Walk in the city, scroll the book: spaces of experience in Letícia Lampert’s oeuvre. Revista Estado Da Arte, 4(1), 079–091. https://doi.org/10.14393/EdA-v4-n1-2023-65046
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Through photographs, photomontages, video installations, and artist’s books, Letícia Lampert intends to highlight the city and her architecture as a starting point to reflect on spaces and the ways they are experienced nowadays. In this essay, I explore the city and the artist’s book as pillars of reflection about space as a part in the production of subjectivity in Lampert’s oeuvre. This is in order to observe how the artist produces operations of perceptual transformation that endow the dumb places of the city and the page, opening, thus, the gaps through which the residents subjects in the overpopulated cities of capitalism (peripherical or not) can reconfigure their experiences of spatialization and, thereby, subjectivation. 

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