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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The text is in 1.5 space; uses a 12-point font; employs italics instead of underlining (except for URL addresses); figures and tables are included in the text, not at the end of the document in the form of attachments.
  • The author(s) is/are postgraduate student(s) (masters or doctoral students), artists or professional(s) already qualified (master, doctor, professor).
  • Articles containing research involving human beings must be accompanied by the case number of the Ethics Committee of the institution where the research was carried out or CAAE number (Plataforma Brasil).
  • The contribution is original and unpublished, and is not being evaluated for publication by another journal; otherwise, it must be justified in "Comments to the editor".
  • The author inserted, in the submission metadata, his name as in bibliographic citations and ORCID number.
  • The identification of authorship of the work was removed from the file and from the Properties option in Word, thus guaranteeing the criterion of confidentiality of the journal for Blind Peer Review;
  • The text now submitted does not show plagiarism of other texts or self-plagiarism of text(s) by the author(s);
  • The submission file is in Microsoft Word, OpenOffice or RTF format.
  • URLs for referrals were provided when possible.
  • The text follows the style standards and bibliographic requirements described in the TEMPLATE tab, on the Journal's home page.

Author Guidelines

There are no costs to the authors when submitting and publishing their articles in Estado da Arte.  We inform you that all texts submitted to Estado da Arte magazine are scrutinized to verify similarities. Afin d'obtenir qualité et uniformité dans la préparation des éditions de Revista Estado, les auteurs sont invités à suivre la mise en forme de l'article, comme le modèle. In order to obtain quality and uniformity in the preparation of the editions of Revista Estado, authors are asked to follow the formatting of the article, such as the template.

Estado da Arte uses ABNT standards. They can be found on the ABNT website or in the GUIDE FOR STANDARDIZATION OF TECHNICAL-SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS, published by Editora da Universidade Federal de Uberlândia (2013). Articles originally written in a foreign language follow the writing rules in force in their country of origin. In order to obtain quality and uniformity in the preparation of the editions of Revista Estado, authors are asked to follow the formatting of the article, such as the template.


The criteria for evaluating the articles by the reviewers are: (1) Relevance, originality and originality of the theme; (2) Treatment of the theme (argumentation and structure of the text, importance of the work for the state of the art of the research); (3) Title (suitability to content/clarity); (4) Style (language, expository coherence, clarity); (5) Adaptation of the text to the format (article; review; etc.); (6) Disposition of tables, graphs, charts, illustrations and figures; (7) Grammatical correction (text revision); (8) Correction of references and bibliographic citations.


Articles: this section features unpublished scientific articles. The articles present an original research question and/or perspective in the studied area; explain the objectives of the investigation as well as the sources and theoretical assumptions; address the results and conclusions from the investigative process.

The Dossier section publishes a thematic set of articles. Dossier themes can be proposed by the Editors' Committee or by guest researchers who are specialists in topics of interest to the journal. Articles collected in Dossiers may result from invitations to authors and/or calls for submissions.

Reviews: section dedicated to the analysis and commentary of books, shows, exhibitions, films and/or other works relevant to the field of visual arts. The works reviewed in this journal were published (or exhibited) in Brazil or abroad, at most two and four years, respectively, from the date of this publication. Out of print and recently reissued reviews are also presented.

Essay: in this section, authors of recognized relevance are invited by the editors to present reflections that support a personal vision for a highlighted subject.

Interviews: the section covers interviews with artists (or a group of artists), professionals or academics working in the field of visual arts who deal with a current topic in their field. The interviews aim to obtain reports and expose the ideas of the interviewee(s), as well as to explore and problematize, together with them, the complexity of the debate on the issue addressed.

Works of authors: this section presents publications by artists characterized as visual essays; verb-visual creations; poetic; artistic fictions; portfolios, etc. in order to give the author(s) the opportunity to present their own work.

The Curatorship section is intended for curatorial works in visual arts, already carried out by the authors themselves or original proposals for publication in the journal. Conceptual reflections by curators are published in this section, as well as a set of images or visual reproductions of works by artists involved in the curatorial proposals.

The translations section publishes articles relevant to the area of visual arts unpublished in Portuguese. It also presents Portuguese translations of articles published in this journal, originally written in a foreign language



Articles: this section features unpublished scientific articles. The articles present an original research question and/or perspective in the studied area; explain the objectives of the investigation as well as the sources and theoretical assumptions; address the results and conclusions from the investigative process.


Works of authors: this section presents publications by artists characterized as visual essays; verb-visual creations; poetic; artistic fictions; portfolios, etc. in order to give the author(s) the opportunity to present their own work.


Essay: in this section, authors of recognized relevance are invited by the editors to present reflections that support a personal vision for a highlighted subject.


The Curatorship section is intended for curatorial works in visual arts, already carried out by the authors themselves or original proposals for publication in the journal. Conceptual reflections by curators are published in this section, as well as a set of images or visual reproductions of works by artists involved in the curatorial proposals.



Interviews: the section covers interviews with artists (or a group of artists), professionals or academics working in the field of visual arts who deal with a current topic in their field. The interviews aim to obtain reports and expose the ideas of the interviewee(s), as well as to explore and problematize, together with them, the complexity of the debate on the issue addressed.


Reviews: section dedicated to the analysis and commentary of books, shows, exhibitions, films and/or other works relevant to the field of visual arts. The works reviewed in this journal were published (or exhibited) in Brazil or abroad, at most two and four years, respectively, from the date of this publication. Out of print and recently reissued reviews are also presented.


The translations section publishes articles relevant to the area of visual arts unpublished in Portuguese. It also presents Portuguese translations of articles published in this journal, originally written in a foreign language.


The presentation exposes, develops and articulates the theme of the edition to the selected articles.


Editorial presents the editorial policy of the jornal


Reports Edition data


Document made to accompany a work after its publication, in which its errors are listed, as well as their correction.

ARTE OCUPA: práticas criativas e ocupações no desenho da cidade

O dossiê ARTE OCUPA: práticas criativas e ocupações no desenho da cidade se propõe a reunir reflexões teóricas e, também, ensaios visuais (desenhos, fotos, vídeos etc.) sobre práticas artísticas em sua relação com o espaço urbano. O dossiê está aberto não apenas à ótica das artes, mas também à abordagem do tema proposto desde o viés dos estudos do urbanismo, arquitetura, sociologia, antropologia, psicologia, história etc. 

Circuitos experimentais e alternativos de produção, instauração e circulação da

Dossiê Circuitos experimentais e alternativos de produção, instauração e circulação da imagem e do objeto artístico reúne trabalhos que tem como desafio ampliar a discussão sobre as transformações e os novos estatutos contemporâneos da imagem nas artes visuais (fotografia, cinema, vídeo, holografia, processos digitais, entre outros), bem como os modos de sua inserção e circulação, em espaços alternativos, galerias, exposições efêmeras e portáteis, bem como pelo correio, internet e redes sociais.

Circuitos experimentais e alternativos


Narrativas artísticas: ramificações, contaminações e apagamentos

Esta seção reúne trabalhos  dentro do tema as “narrativas artísticas” , sendo elas ficcionais, documentais, ou de natureza híbrida. O tema abordará obras, ações e projetos artísticos, que almejam contar histórias. As intenções dessa publicação são: mapear os ‘modos de narrar’ específicos da arte contemporânea, identificar seu potencial descritivo ediegético, analisar suasfunções, estruturas e formatos.

Artist Editions: Approaches

Artist Editions: Approaches : It brings together articles and essays that deal with the complexities of artists 'publications considering artists' books and their multiple forms (textual, graphic, object-books or even “non-books”). The formats of newspaper, leaflet, poster, postcard, fanzine etc., appropriated and subverted by the artists, are in that same universe. The characteristic hybridism of this great artistic field contributes to question the fixed categories of thought and to broaden the dialogue about contemporary artistic practices and their circulation strategies.

Noções incontornáveis nas Artes Visuais

The Dossier “Essential Notions in Visual Arts” presents, in a set of articles, the questioning of the fundamental notions that delimit the field of Visual Arts. It is understood that they have been constantly reexamined and the main reason for this is the experimental character of the artistic making and the adoption of original procedures and ways of thinking, challenging the very definition of a work of art. A whole repertoire of notions, and the relations between them, constitute the constellation that establishes art as a field of knowledge.

Eu estava aqui o tempo todo e você não me viu: Desafios e conquistas da arte indígena contemporânea brasileira.

Indigenous artists of various ethnicities who resist and survive today are present in large galleries, museums and places that were previously colonized and Eurocentric, showing their powerful and revealing arts. The gateway to this precise and assertive moment opens to a new time of discovering who we really are; this is urgent and non-transferable. Organized by guest editors, Kássia Borges and Naine Terena, the dossier “I was here all the time and you didn’t see me: challenges and achievements of Brazilian contemporary indigenous art” brought together articles on contemporary art and the diversity of artistic and cultural expressions that specifically focus and discuss the art of the native peoples of Brazil.

Dossier: Their Space

Este dossiê pretende reunir artigos, ensaios, resenhas e entrevistas, dentre outros tipos de produção textual, que tratem da atuação de mulheres artistas e de suas produções tridimensionais, entendidas aqui como herdeiras do campo escultórico, mas que ao longo do século XX se hibridizaram com outras linguagens e expandiram suas pesquisas plásticas da forma na direção da problemática do espaço e/ou do corpo, em diálogo com outras áreas do conhecimento. O dossiê tem organização de Tatiana Sampaio Ferraz e Marina Mazze Cerchiaro

Como vai você, 2013? Lutas políticas e práticas artísticas no Brasil Contemporâneo

As we reach the ten-year mark since these events, we invite contributions for a special issue titled "How are you, 2013? Political Struggles and Artistic Practices in Contemporary Brazil." Unlike previous exhibitions focusing solely on artists, we seek to examine the collective experiences shared on social media and in the streets. We aim to present a diverse array of perspectives that capture the complexities of 2013. We welcome articles and essays exploring the intersection of art and activism during this period. Submissions may offer historical, ethnographic, conceptual, or imagistic insights, and should reflect on both the events of 2013 and their ongoing impact. We are particularly interested in themes such as counter-monumentalities, rebaptisms (renaming urban spaces), community aesthetics, and the historical and theoretical trajectory of aesthetic-political actions.

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The names and addresses given in this magazine will be used exclusively for the services provided by this publication and will not be made available for other purposes or to third parties.