For a feminist pedagogy... Until we are all free!
Feminism, World March of Women, Feminism pedagogyAbstract
Feminist pedagogical practices have contributed to the consolidation of social movements in the field of feminisms. Often called “training”, and integrated with the so-called “critical, “popular” and “liberating” pedagogies, feminist pedagogies, understood in a generic way, establish themselves as a central axis in these political organizations. In Recife, specifically, the activists of the World March of Women (WMM) have promoted pedagogical actions with the objective of strengthening the emancipation and autonomy of women. It is in this sense that the present research aims to understand the feminist pedagogies developed by the WMM. The methodology applied for the construction of the data in this article was action research, since the process involved the participation, interaction and reflection of the interviewees throughout the investigation, in addition to mobilizing authors already inserted in the field. As a result of this investigation, we identified that dialogue circles, bazaars, recitals and lambe-lambes are practices used by activists in the fight against patriarchy and the conquest of rights. We also noticed an improvement in feminist discussions in the movement, which are now more qualified, not only because of the trajectory of the militants' actions, but, above all, because of the observance of how racism, capitalism and patriarchy have structured women's lives.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Isabella Marques de Oliveira, Denise Maria Botelho, Ana Paula Abrahamian de Souza, Cibele Maria Lima Rodrigues
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