Political-pedagogical project
instrument of identity valuation of the subjects
Teacher training, Pedagogical Course Project, PlanningAbstract
In this study, we defend the use of the term Political-Pedagogical Project (PPP) despite other ones, even though it is the least used in Brazilian higher education courses. To this end, we rely on dialogues, mainly with Freire, Gadotti, Veiga and Vasconcellos. We understand that the PPP is an intentional action defined from a collective commitment, seeking the organization of pedagogical work in its entirety, educational institutions have the right to exercise their autonomy, either to establish the PPP, or to execute and evaluate it, highlighting its diversity built as a result of its socio-historical development process, as well as its specifics. Every educational project is political. Finally, we understand that the PPP is not just a document, it is a spiral, action-reflection-action process that requires collective reflection and conscious and organized action by all involved, including the participation of the family and the general community. This is because we believe in the construction of the Political-Pedagogical Project as an emancipatory/edifying action, as an instrument of identity appreciation of courses and their subjects, as a means of fighting to break abysmal, colonial standards.
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