When sociologist wants to be a teacher
self-creation in professional education
Self-creation, Teaching, Young aprrenticeAbstract
This experience report has as its object the training course for young apprenticeship of a qualifying company which is located in Porto Alegre, State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. The text thinks the teachers and their powers, from movements that inhabit and fill their daily lives. In this way, each one creates for himself/herself what is known as a teacher self-creation, in which he/she takes what is from others as a didactic experimentation, there is no identity in the teaching, there is an identity movement that does not deprive itself of differences. The research seeks to place in the fictional scenes of a reality of the class, to, from these materialities, conceive affections in the scope of teaching. For this it uses the biographic method, and the philosophy of the difference in education. What worked in teaching this class, what works, the elements that make a class that works, a sociography of affections.
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