Creativity in the gesture of appropriation of written language




Creativity. Writing. Subject. Teaching. Textual genres.


In this article, we propose to problematize the teaching of writing in Portuguese in the school environment, from the perspective of creativity, joining Émile Benveniste's theory of Enunciation. Assuming that the expression of creativity is constitutive of the practice of writing, we demonstrate in this research that the much-touted discursiveness, in circulation in the Brazilian school space, that the student does not know how to write creatively is based on a notion of creativity that contradicts the functioning of the political-symbolic space in schools. Thus, in this study, creativity refers to the student's way of subjectivation in relation to the knowledge learned. Therefore, our objective is to understand the manifestation of creativity in written textual production, produced in a school environment, by Elementary School II students, through the monitoring of the work of a municipal public school teacher in the interior of Minas Gerais, in a didactic sequence focused on the production of the textual genre “opinion text”.


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How to Cite

FREITAS, P. F. B. de. Creativity in the gesture of appropriation of written language. Olhares & Trilhas, [S. l.], v. 24, n. 2, p. 1–20, 2022. DOI: 10.14393/OT2022v24.n.2.64169. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.