Professional challenges of the specialized team to support learning in front of COVID's pandemic 19
Multidisciplinary Team, Pandemic, Learning, Pedagogical performanceAbstract
This article aims to analyze the challenges faced by the Specialized Learning Support Team – EEAA in their work in a public school, in the context of the Escola em Casa-DF Program, implemented to meet the emergency needs arising from the COVID-19 pandemic. The qualitative research was carried out from the perspective cultural-historical psychology through reflective observations, field diary and conversational dynamics with the psychologist and the team pedagogue, working in Early Childhood Education and in the Elementary School. We conclude that, although content education still predominates, it has been strained by the situation of social distancing, which requires integrating teaching with digital technologies. Amidst the problems arising from the uniqueness of the moment experienced, the team reinvented itself, developing actions and pedagogical relationships of welcoming, affection, creativity and sociability to support teachers, students and families. We evidence that the new configuration of the team's work favored symbolic-emotional displacements that generated new subjective productions in the school community that enabled an emotional climate favorable to the resumption of pedagogical activities in a collective confrontation of the new work reality, providing an opportunity to resume the debate on the interface between technology and education and the social role of the school.
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