Edgar Morin's Complex thinking and his contributions to the field of education: An analysis of the practice developed at Escola da Ponte in the light of Complexity Theory
Edgar Morin's, Complex Thinking, Transdisciplinarity, Escola da PonteAbstract
In this article we seek to make some considerations about Edgar Morin's complex thinking, especially with regard to his contributions to the field of education. To this end, it was necessary to focus on his work “Seven necessary knowledges for the education of the future”, as we believe that apart from the vast academic and intellectual production of the author, in this production Morin strives to establish, in a pragmatic way, fundamental principles for a non-fragmented education. Based on the analysis of this work, we are concerned with how the application of the Theory of Complexity takes place in the field of praxis, thus, we chose Escola da Ponte, as an example of a successful experience that can be used as a reflection of Edgar Morin's thinking.
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