O Gênero Folheto Educativo na Aula de Língua Espanhola
o dezembro vermelho em questão
Spanish, Brochure, AIDSAbstract
Fromthe Spanish language core of the Programa Residência Pedagógica of the Universidade Federal de Sergipe, classes were developed at Centro de Excelência Dom Luciano José Cabral Duarte, institution which is located in Aracaju/SE. In this work, there is an excerpt of two lectures meetings, in remote classes mode, with a 3rd year high school class. Starting with the competences and technologies, as well as the abilities of Base Nacional Comum Curricular (BRASIL, 2018) and the postulates of intercultural education (MENDES, 2010) to support the study of the brochure genre. To this end, the selected theme is linked to the prevention of HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Viruses), virus that causes AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome) and, through the study of educational brochure genre in Spanish, we sought to promote awareness of sexual prevention. The meetings were performed on December 5th and 10th, 2020 and the students were teenagers from both sexes in the age group between 15 and 19 years old. In summary, the students participated by exposing their doubts and sharing knowledge from their subjectivity and the social environment in which they are included. Thus, it was possible to stimulate constructive debates about the relevance of sexual prevention as well as to elucidate myths and truths about AIDS.
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