The remote teaching of dance at the University in times of the Covid-19 pandemic
others ways of thinking, creating, doing, learning and teaching
Dance, Somatic Education, Remote Education, PandemicAbstract
The present essay is a polyphonic text in which teacher and students of the Dance BA course of the University of Rio de Janeiro present their perceptions and reflections about the experiences lived in a practical discipline taught remotely during the exceptional term. Having as a study theme the modes of execution in dance, the course sought to work on the qualities of the movements and the way they are performed. The methodological strategies used are explained, which sought to embrace the diversity of realities of the students involved and, realizing the socio-political moment of fragility and uncertainties, to bring perspectives of care from the somatic education approach. As a way to make aspects related to teaching-learning visible, understanding that the environment is collectively created by the agents involved, three students are given the voice to reveal their perceptions based on their own experiences. It is considered that, despite the difficulties encountered and the challenging inaugural moment, the action strategies used in the course provided the creation of a space of sensitive experience capable of generating relevant corporal transformations in the participants, adding knowledge beyond the field of dance.
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