Projeto Biblioteca em casa
leitura, registro e observações de uma experiência em tempos de pandemia
Library, Literary Reading, Record, Pandemic ProjectsAbstract
The literature book and the act of reading do not approach children in an innate way, they are cultural goods that need to be learned in the interaction with the object and with the more experienced other. In a context of a pandemic, this contact with each other and with cultural assets was far from students, it was with this in mind that two teachers from the early years of elementary school developed a literary reading project. Thus, this work aims to present an experience report developed in the year 2020, with students of the fourth year of elementary school, in a Municipal School in the city of Uberlândia-MG. The purpose of this project was to encourage students to approach literary reading during the period of social isolation and to expand the artistic, literary and imaginary universe of the students involved. The pedagogical practices of this report are based on Arena (2010); Candido (2004); Chambers (2007a; 2007b); Freire (1996); Lopes (2009) and Vigotski (2009). At the end of the project, we noticed that the children actively participated in the activities that in general moved the library's collection, expanded the students' literary reading and stimulated the creation process through the records made.
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