Digital literacy and teacher practices
the Portuguese teaching in contexts of Covid-19 Pandemic
Portuguese language, Remote teaching, Digital literacy, PandemicAbstract
The teaching of Portuguese in the remote classroom setting, due to the Covid-19 Pandemic, has implied “arrangements” in teaching activities, from how to teach to how to assess students' learning. These “arrangements”, between knowledge and practice, placed particular emphasis on the uses of Digital Technologies in the educational context. This research is an exploratory qualitative investigation, which set out to investigate the perspectives of teachers on the implications of students' digital literacy and the redirection of their pedagogical practices. For this, we dialogue with Fabrício (2006), Rojo and Moura (2019), Coscarelli and Ribeiro (2017), Prensky (2010), among others. The results indicate, on the one hand, that making use of emerging technologies is not enough to guarantee students' learning. On the other hand, the practices of reading, writing, and linguistic analysis, through which multimodal texts are read and produced, are a sine qua non for proposing classes that consider multimodality and digital genres.
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