Perceptions and uses of digital technologies in the teaching of English as L2 at NucLiIsF in Natal-RN
technology; teaching; NucLi.Abstract
This paper reports on a small scale, qualitative study aimed at (a) investigating the use of digital technologies by English teachers and (b) analyzing their perceptions regarding the pedagogical use of digital technologies, specifically in the teaching-learning process of English as a Second Language (L2). To that end, 11 teachers of English, trainees of the Núcleo de Línguas (NucLi) of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN), in Natal-RN, voluntarily integrated the cohort of the study. Participants answered an online questionnaire containing closed items (factual information and participant profile) and open items (behavioral and attitudinal information about the pedagogical use of digital technologies). The analysis of the subjective answers to the questionnaire shows that UFRN’s NucLi teachers maintain a flexible position regarding the pedagogical use of digital technologies; that they have a good repertoire of sites and applications and use them to complement the content of the lessons and to keep in touch with their students. In addition, it can be inferred that participants carefully consider their selection of digital tools, in order to assist in the development of language skills by the learners, using applications in a hybrid manner, i.e., combining face-to-face classes and online tasks.
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