The relationship between epistemological beliefs and the performance of high school students in Physics investigative activity

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Gabrielle de Oliveira Almeida
Alessandro Damásio Trani Gomes


This work aims to identify the relationship between students' epistemological conceptions and their performance in an investigative activity, carried out in pairs, through a computer simulation. The students' performance was evaluated according to a set of factors: the total number of experiments carried out, the exploration of the experimental field, the percentage of independent variables researched; and the quantity and/or percentage of valid and conclusive tests performed. 184 first-year high school students from a federal public school in Belo Horizonte participated in this quantitative research. The results suggest that, in general, students who have more sophisticated epistemological beliefs about the nature of science tend to present more appropriate strategies for controlling variables and experimentation. Based on the results obtained, educational implications are discussed and new research possibilities in the area are proposed.


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Almeida, G. de O., & Gomes, A. D. T. (2024). The relationship between epistemological beliefs and the performance of high school students in Physics investigative activity. Ensino Em Re-Vista, 31(Contínua), 1–25.


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