The intellectual kinship between Paulo Freire and Augusto Boal and the fight against multiple oppressions

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André José dos Santos
Bruna Sola da Silva Ramos


This essay is based on the research about the similarities between the educational proposal of the Liberating Education, by Paulo Reglus Neves Freire and the Theater of the Oppressed, by Augusto Pinto Boal. Considering that the Freirean and Boaleana praxis present an ethical-political position of social transformation, through education and culture, we consider pertinent a study which emphasizes the ideological approximations between these fields of action. Therefore, we intend to build reflections about the “intellectual kinship” between these two authors, which is argued in terms of their convergences and complementarities, based on the presentation of concepts which express proximity between Freire and Boal with regard to the struggle for the rehumanization of human beings.


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Santos, A. J. dos, & Ramos, B. S. da S. (2024). The intellectual kinship between Paulo Freire and Augusto Boal and the fight against multiple oppressions. Ensino Em Re-Vista, 31(Contínua), 1–26.


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