Learning experiences with civic data for Global Citizenship

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Lucía Zapata-Cardona


This study tracks the evidence of Global Citizenship that reveal the voices of participants when they are immersed in learning experiences related to data science. Civic data, visualization software and the principles of Global Citizenship were used to design learning experiences that embodied some type of global problem (global warming, surface water contamination, carbon dioxide emissions). Learning experiences were implemented with different populations: primary students, secondary students and in-service teachers and each meeting was recorded in audio and video. The meetings were transcribed verbatim and over the transcripts were tracked the clues of Global CItizhenship. The results suggest that the verbal statements of the participants offer evidence of Global Citizenship in the cognitive (knowledge), socio-emotional (empaty, responsibility, solidarity) and behavioral (acctions) dimensions as a result of the exposure to the learning experiences.


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Zapata-Cardona, L. (2024). Learning experiences with civic data for Global Citizenship. Ensino Em Re-Vista, 31(Contínua), 1–23. https://doi.org/10.14393/ER-v31e2024-05


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