A subversively responsible analysis of some curricular guidelines for Statistical Education

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Celi Espasandin Lopes
Regina Célia Grando


Statistical education plays an important role in developing students' critical thinking, as it enables discussion of topics related to gender, race, ethnicity, environment, among other social problems. This article discusses, from a Freirean perspective, methodological guidelines indicated in the Brazilian, Portuguese, and Australian curriculum guidelines for the teaching and learning process of statistics and probability for students aged 6 to 14 years. The aim is to answer the following question: which methodological aspects indicated for Statistical Education, for students aged 6 to 14 years, favor the development of critical and creative thinking? Official websites of the Ministries of Education of Australia, Brazil and Portugal were used to map the mathematics curricula that present the thematic unit of study of probability and statistics and based on the organization of these documents. Documentary research is developed using thematic analysis with a reflective approach in the interpretation and construction of syntheses from the perspective of critical and creative thinking in Statistical Education. As results, the following stand out: significant indications for the elaboration of future curricular orientations of mathematics in which probabilistic and statistical literacies are considered that dialogue with a critical and creative education, in which the problematization and questioning of real problems are prioritized, in addition to the mobilization of procedures and possible solutions. With this, possibilities of contributions are indicated for the expansion of research on curricular guidelines, within the field of statistical education; and indicators that guide initial and continuing training programs for teachers who teach mathematics.


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Lopes, C. E., & Grando, R. C. (2023). A subversively responsible analysis of some curricular guidelines for Statistical Education. Ensino Em Re-Vista, 30(Contínua), e035. https://doi.org/10.14393/ER-v30a2023-35
DOSSIER 1 - Statistical Education: research and contemporary perspectives


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