Double-entry tables: reading and calculating probabilities by high school students

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Daniela Calderón Torres
Jaime I. García-García
Nicolás Fernández Coronado
Elizabeth H. Arredondo


The double-entry table is a useful representation for the analysis of two statistical variables, whose teaching is essential in the student's education. This qualitative research, descriptive-exploratory, aimed to analyze the reading and calculation of probabilities in double-entry tables carried out by high school students. Using the content analysis technique, the responses of 75 students to two reading and three probability calculation tasks are analyzed. The results show that the majority of the students have mastery of the first levels of Curcio's reading and make use of Laplace's rule, or the rule of three, as a solution strategy; however, some have errors, for example, they confuse a conditional probability with its inverse. The above evidence the need to design teaching proposals that address the various mathematical objects and processes related to the reading and calculation of probabilities in double-entry tables.


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Torres, D. C., García-García, J. I., Coronado, N. F., & Arredondo, E. H. (2023). Double-entry tables: reading and calculating probabilities by high school students . Ensino Em Re-Vista, 30(Contínua), e032.
DOSSIER 1 - Statistical Education: research and contemporary perspectives


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