Empathy in the educational context: reports from young adult and adult students

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Gerson Tavares do Carmo
Rozana Quintanilha Gomes Souza


This article discusses the importance of valuing empathy in the educational context and, particularly, in Youth and Adult Education. As an objective, it is intended to investigate how empathy or the lack of it in the teacher-student relationship can interfere in the teaching and learning process. Therefore, a questionnaire was applied to a class of young and adult students from a campus of the Federal Fluminense Institute, which was elaborated based on Carl Rogers' theory on the multidimensional construct of empathy, which includes three components: cognitive, affective and behavioral. The data obtained reveal that, in an environment that is not conducive to empathy, students seek, on their own initiative, strategies to create empathic relationships with teachers in order to remain linked to the school.


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Carmo, G. T. do, & Souza, R. Q. G. (2022). Empathy in the educational context: reports from young adult and adult students . Ensino Em Re-Vista, 29(Contínua), e039. https://doi.org/10.14393/ER-v29a2022-39


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