Thoughts on the profile changes of students of a degree in mathematics through narratives by training teachers

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Loriége Pessoa Bitencourt
Bruna Borges da Veiga


This study is about teachers` training with the objective of learning those aspects that outline the profile changes of the students who attend a Mathematics degree by comparing this process over three decades with the following guiding question: In the view of the training teachers of the Mathematics degree, how did the students` profile change within this time? Upon telling their own teacher`s training history, two teachers revealed the recurrent traits that allowed disclosing the changes in the students` profile when comparing two periods of such training. The discussion of the data applied the historical analysis while the narratives were used as research instrument of Oral History. Findings evidence that the subjects perceive a modification in the students` profile due to social changes and especially to technological breakthroughs and access to them.


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Bitencourt, L. P. ., & Veiga, B. B. da. (2021). Thoughts on the profile changes of students of a degree in mathematics through narratives by training teachers. Ensino Em Re-Vista, 28(Contínua), e057.


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